General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Phone: 604-760-0312
Address:545 E Broadway Vancouver, BC Canada V5T 1X4




Business Summary
Hello and welcome to Fit Body By George! My name is George and I'm a weight loss coach in Vancouver, Canada. Since the age of four, I've been a competitive athlete in my native Russia. As someone who is almost 50 years old, I am still actively competing. I've coached a wide variety of athletes and helped produce Olympic and world champions. My parents always encouraged me to pursue a career in medicine, and they hoped that I would one day become a neurosurgeon. My clients' outcomes have been significantly influenced by my four years of medical school. I've been an athlete for over 40 years, competing in a variety of sports, so I can empathise with my clients as they face challenges in their chosen endeavours. Nothing can go wrong or get hurt.
Business Keywords
Personal Trainer Vancouver, Personal Training Vancouver
General Information
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Website Rank
- visit: 181


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