General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Country: Australia
State/Part: New-south-wales
City: Paramatta
Address:Level 14/3 Parramatta Sq, Parramatta NSW, Australia 2150




Business Summary
Faraj Defence Lawyers is your unwavering advocate in criminal and traffic law, consistently delivering justice through a legacy of positive client outcomes. Our dedicated and experienced team will always places your best interests at the forefront. We are not merely representatives; we are your steadfast allies, offering empathetic, 24/7 support, and a formidable defense, ensuring every client not only witnesses but also experiences the triumph of justice served in their favor. We represent our clients in all courts of NSW and are committed to fight for your rights. Book your free initial consultation with us today.
Business Keywords
criminal lawyer parramatta, sydney criminal lawyer
General Information
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Year established:
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Website Rank
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