How to register a company in Mumbai ?

Some basic steps which is applicable for all over the India , which everyone need to follow who wanted to register a company in Mumbai and any other place in India .

Here are some of the procedures for registration of a company under the Companies Act 2013. There are four important steps for how to register a company in India.

· Obtaining DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)
· Getting DIN (Director Identification Number)
· Filling a new user registration or eForm
· Company inclusion
· Obtaining a dsc

These all points are briefly describe below !

STEP 1 : Obtaining DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)

The first step is to apply for DSC of derivative directors in the form of digital signature certificate.

What is DSC ?
DSC is the e-signature that enables you to complete the online company registration process in India. It takes two days to obtain DSC after submission of documents.

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