Rainbow Hybrid Kilt is the hybrid kilt having different color variations as rainbow. It contains all the colors of the rainbow. It is the emergence of the seven beautiful colors of the rainbow. Rainbow Kilt is a great kilt for those who love to play or wear colors. It contain all natural colors that provide wonderful look to its user.
It could be designed in different fabrics as well as multiple combination fabrics. Usually available in pure cotton.


It is the predecessor of hybrid kilt. As we know that the hybrid kilt is the kilt with a lot of pleats. And emergence of different colors. Similarly, this kilt is ready to rock with some modifications in its color and style of hybrid kilt. Due to its modern and colorful look, it is becoming the taste of modern gentlemen. Let’s have a look on its color combination.

Rainbow Color Combination:

Everyone is aware of rainbow and its colors. Rainbow contains seven colors in it, which could be seen after rain usually. These seven co
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