LPU Distance Education in Chandigarh

Now you can complete your education in Chandigarh with LPU Distance Education in Chandigarh. LPU Distance Education is one of the best education for those who have enough time to attend regular classes. You can complete your MBA, MCA, MA, BBA, BCA, PGDCA, etc. You can also pursue 6 weeks and 6 months industrial training here. All those courses are very affordable you can easily pursue them and complete your graduation or post-graduation. For more information, you can visit our website or you can also contact us at our official registered telephone No.
Contact Details:
Name - IT Zone Mohali
Address - SCO 534, Top Floor, Sector 70, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 160071, India
Contact No - 9855700245
Email - [email protected]
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