Doctors at a city hospital performed life-saving surgery on a one-year-old boy suffering from rare neurological disorder dancing eye-dancing feet syndrome.

At just one Ayaan was diagnosed with a rarest of rare condition–a dancing eye-dancing feet syndrome–that causes abnormal jerky movements of the eyes, head, trunk, and extremities. With a rare occurrence of 1 in 10 million, this medical condition represents a serious problem with a tumor near the lung and heart arteries.

“Initial assessment of the child revealed a neurological disorder which appears to be the result of autoimmune process involving the nervous system. A rare presentation of a tumor originating from neural tissue (neuroblastoma) was diagnosed. MRI of the chest and spine revealed a well defined moderately enhancing tumour close to the side of the chest. The tumour was lying close to the major vessel (aorta),” said Dr Prashant Jain, Consultant, Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Urology, BLK Super Specialty Hospital.

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