General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 385-202-6552
Address:6935 2100 S, West Valley City, UT 84128, USA




Business Summary
The "crossroads of the west" is home to Ryder's Utah 3PL logistics fulfillment center, providing flexible, scalable shipping solutions for e-commerce and retail. Bordered by Great Salt Lake, the Wasatch Mountain Range and the Oquirrh Mountains, our 400,000 square-foot fulfillment center in West Valley City, Utah provides warehousing, pick and pack, order fulfillment, value added services, distribution, and transportation services. This area is intersects two major cross-country freeways, I-15 and I-80. The location of this 3PL logistics fulfillment center has earned its place in history as ‘the crossroads of the west’. In addition, a major Intermodal Railway and the Salt Lake City International airport offer alternative shipment options.
Business Keywords
3PL fulfillment Utah, e-commerce fulfillment, retail fulfillment, distribution center, automated warehouse Utah, pick and pack, value added services, 3PL logistics
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 10


Product & Services

not complete


  • Ryder E-commerce Fulfillment

    Ryder E-commerce Fulfillment

  • Ryder E-commerce Fulfillment

    Ryder E-commerce Fulfillment

  • Ryder E-commerce Fulfillment

    Ryder E-commerce Fulfillment

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