
Train-the-trainer | Thematic Group on Partnership Process and Partnership Opportunity Database (TG on PP & POD)

Id :

Date :
Country :
City :
Location :
Management Centre Europe (MCE)
WebPage :
Tel :
+32 2 543 21 00
Contact :
Martin Taslakov
Note :
This training is planned as a deliverable of the WG on POD quality. The WG received its mandate in the beginning of 2016.

The main goals of the training are:
- to prepare the nominated TCPs on PP and POD to work the database;
- to analyse the need of creating profiles for Network clients
- how to choose the right strategy for Network client;
- which are the right tools for support of Network clients;
- the rules for profile writing and reviewing, both internal and external.

The training will aim at distributing the tasks to the TCPs in parallel with the creation of focus groups. The trainers will also provide first-hand experience how to organise decentralised training sessions, staff-exchanges and other learning methods within the consortia.

Ultimately, the TCPs will decide upon their future governance and the creation of a core-group.

Registration form:

