
Successful R&I in Europe 2017 - 8th European Networking Event

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Van der Valk Airporthotel Düsseldorf
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For the eighth time, the conference invites researchers and entrepreneurs from North Rhine-Westphalia and regions in Europe to find new European Research & Innovation (R&I) partners for Horizon 2020 projects. The series of events has been a great success with over 2000 participants since 2009.
In 2017, special partner regions will give extra support in promoting the event. The networking event will be structured in parallel brokerage sessions focussing on six topics:
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Energy
- Nanotechnology, Materials and Manufacturing (NMM)
- Sustainable Economy
- Life Sciences
- Transport
- SME Instrument
The event addresses especially universities and research institutes and small and medium-sized enterprises. Participants are invited to become involved in established and new technology
networks between researchers, entrepreneurs and multipliers related to Horizon 2020. Giving a short presentation (ideas and/or results) or finding a partner by talking to decision-makers opens
doors for new research and innovation projects in Europe focussing on Horizon 2020.
Participants, who are interested in giving a presentation, can participate in the "Call for Presentations" (ideas for H2020 projects and/or results from former international R&D&I projects).
Others Partners Involved : Several nodes from the Enterprise Europe Network, German NCPs for H2020, European Commission, Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of North Rhine-Westfalia.
Conference fee: € 120 (€ 95 one day) per person including VAT. Free participation for speakers in sessions 1-5.

