
Bathroom Black Mold Removal and Prevention

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2967 Dundas St. W. #389D
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what causes black mould in older homes

Cold patches on the walls and ceilings are common in older homes in colder areas because of inadequate insulation. Lack of appropriate insulation in the attic is a typical problem, as is the inability to install adequate insulation in the area around the roof's perimeter. It is not uncommon to see walls that are only 4 inches thick when they should be 6 inches. Another problem region on walls is the location of a window header that takes up the entire top third and a half of a four-inch wall; in this place, you have only the bottom third and a half of the wall's wood as insulation, giving you an R-value of only about R-4. Because the wall or ceiling is chilly, moisture that condenses there will not dry, and mould will swiftly spread. This is especially common in the fall and spring, when indoor humidity levels are high and outdoor temperatures can be well below zero. We had all the problems with cold areas in the bathroom that were mentioned: 4-inch-thick walls, headers that reduced the R-value, and a ceiling that was not properly insulated from the attic. There was black mould, and even after bleaching the walls and ceiling, it reappeared in less than a month.

Renovating to prevent black mould growth in chilly regions

The following steps were taken to address the aforementioned issues:

We removed the drywall from the outside walls, the ceiling, and the area around the tub. We also had all insulation taken out.
Using a bleach solution, we scrubbed the voids in the walls and the rafters in the ceiling.

We accessed the attic from the ceiling and stuffed it full of new fibreglass insulation and Great Stuff expanding foam insulation. We maximised roof insulation by installing chutes of insulation close to the roof's margins.

We added 2 inches of furring to the external wall, increasing its thickness from 4 inches to 6 inches. Relocating a bathtub or shower is a significant undertaking. Since the old tub and shower were broken, we got new ones.

For the external wall, we used fibreglass and two inches of thick foam insulation (over headers).

We dropped the ceiling by two inches by installing foam over the joists to create an insulating barrier against the cold. This eliminates the possibility of draughts forming between the ceiling joists. To attach the drywall to the ceiling through the foam, we utilised 4" drywall screws every 6-8".

For further safety, we used mold-resistant drywall, primer, and paint.

Install a fan in the restroom. And be sure to insulate the pipe leading from the fan's exhaust to the outside of your home, as condensation can form otherwise.

Mold Removal: Why It Needs to Be Done

As you step out of the bathroom's shower, you see a blackish growth on the wall. Is mould remediation something you're looking for? The good news is that most homeowners are capable of fixing minor issues like this on their own. The presence of a spot is not always indicative of the absence of more growth behind the walls or elsewhere. Although this isn't necessarily the case when the homeowner knows what started the growth, it often is when the cause of the growth is unknown. Here you can find the answers to your questions on the importance of removing it and how to do so safely.

The Home Suffered Damage

This fungal growth poses a potential structural risk to your home, which is the primary danger fungus poses. Your home's structural supports and beams are prime real estate for the most aggressive and damaging types of the growth. The growth will spread rapidly and devour the original substance if it is able to penetrate a porous surface. On the surface, it might not appear to be a big deal, but it can do major harm if left unchecked. Decontamination in the presence of mould is never optional. It must be done, and it must be done well whether done by a professional or by yourself.

Issues with Health

Another, more ominous, reason for mould removal is that it might cause health issues for residents of the home. While the media has exaggerated the risks to human health, there is no denying the seriousness of unchecked black mould growth in the home. In particular, it poses a significant threat to the health of young people, the elderly, and animals. It may trigger allergic reactions, lead to headaches and a general deterioration in health. It must be eliminated before these health problems become life-threatening.

Fixing the Issue

There's no need to freak out if you've lately found growth in your home and the thought of it has you scared. The conditions outlined above are the worst worst-case scenarios and should be avoided at all costs. The first step is to have a professional inspection performed by a firm with expertise in finding mould. The next step is to call a mould remediation company to help clean up the mess. If the professionals are careful, they should be able to eradicate the growth and take precautions to stop it from coming back.

