
The History and Development of Bronze Casting

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The History and Development of Bronze Casting
A little bit of lead, tin, and copper produce a material that is called bronze. Bronze was precious and valuable in ancient time, because it was quite difficult to find and it happened rarely. The beginning of the usage of this material determines a step up the ladder of civilization’s development from the Stone to Bronze Age. A period of usage a bronze is divided into using it for creation of luxury items, constructing ritual vessels, and for adding to weapons and placing it in tombs. Bronze Casting became more diverse and widely distributed geographically. Petroglyphs, rock paintings, that were found on stone slabs show the wide usage of bronze in sculpture, plastic arts, ornament, artistic images in the design of tools and household items. As for the art, bronze casting was the first cause that gave a possibility to render the motives, related to the mythology of ancient people, Indo-European in particular.
The technology of making bronze things was based on the usage of wax. First, the future sculpture or ornament was made with the help of wax. It was quite easy to perform because wax is a very convenient material to be used in different modifications. After the work with wax was finished, a future piece of art was covered with a layer of clay mold. Later, when the dry wax melted away from the model it was time to fill the ready “container” with liquid bronze. But this technique was popular not only in the Ancient China, but in Europe as well. It was considered as quite difficult way to perform the art within a studio, as it required special knowledge of the creator of how to obtain it and a strong muscular power.
Chinese people used bronze for creating musical instruments and beautifully designed weapons. They decorated all their creations with Chinese symbols and were adorned with a great creativity. Special kind of bronze was used for making bronze mirrors and the back side of them was decorated with nice writings, wishing the best things that might happen in people’s lives like love, health, happiness and protected from the evil powers. During the Middle Ages period bronze castling became an art brunch in Western Africa and some of the artifacts are comparable to the modern masterpieces. Hundreds of things made of bronze, including vases and ornamented bowls, a great number of amulets decorated with signs and scripts that served as an essential part of ritual burial, were found during the archeological research in Eastern Nigeria. But the most famous examples of Bronze art in western Africa are cast heads that were performed with a mastery technique in a classical style.
Another culture that developed a high level of handling bronze casting is Scythian civilization. They used bronze vessels and weapons along with various beautifully ornamented finery and trappings to put into the huge hills that served as tombs to their leaders. The level of Scythian usage of bronze reached the highest level according to those archeological findings that are known nowadays. Due to the flexibility of the metal new decorative forms were disclosed. Rounding came into the wide usage in creating art pieces. Household goods started to be decorated with round bronze shields, the wide spectrum of bronze items, such as headband, tiara, neck rings, hand and ankle bracelets, rings for fingers, chains, clothing and many other articles, were skillfully made or decorated with it.
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