Duane Decker offers music, sound design, post production and technical consulting services for games, the Internet, television, film and radio.
Duane Decker, Duane, Decker, Dwayne, Dewayne, Dwaine, Dekker, Microsoft Game Studios, FASA, FASA Interactive, Big Huge Games, Day 1 Studios, Rise Of Nations, Thrones and Patriots, Rise Of Legends, Mech, MechWarrior, MechCommander, MechAssault, Sumthing, Sumthing Else Musicworks, Nile, Nile Rodgers, Varese Sarabande, Varese, composer, producer, music, musician, soundtrack, soundtracks, game, games, film, films, record, CD, DVD, surround, sound, 5.1, Stan LePard, game music, production music, Carlin, Wizkids, Earlybird