
General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 1300 372 287
Country: Australia
State/Part: New-south-wales
City: Sydney
Address:1/299 Elizabeth Street




Business Summary
Disaster Relief Australia (DRA) is a dedicated organization founded in 2016, focused on delivering swift and effective disaster response and recovery efforts both locally and globally. Recognized as the 2023 Australian Charity of the Year, DRA mobilizes military veterans and volunteers to assist communities affected by various disasters, including floods, bushfires, and cyclones. With over 2,500 volunteers contributing more than 500,000 hours of service, DRA has successfully completed over 10,000 work orders and provided more than $10 million in in-kind support to communities in need. The organization operates 10 local Disaster Relief Teams across Australia, actively participating in emergency management planning and community resilience initiatives to prepare for and mitigate the impacts of future disasters. Through its comprehensive approach to disaster relief, DRA not only aids in immediate recovery but also fosters long-term resilience within affected communities.
Business Keywords
Disaster relief Australia, Emergency response services, Community resilience programs, Volunteer opportunities in disaster relief , Humanitarian aid Australia, Disaster recovery assistance, Flood and bushfire relief, Cyclone recovery efforts, Disaster management teams, Military veterans in disaster response, Volunteer engagement initiatives, Community preparedness activities, Donations for disaster relief, Local Disaster Relief Teams, Aerial damage assessments, Emergency management Australia, Nonprofit disaster response, Crisis recovery services, Building community resilience, Charity for disaster recovery
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
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Work Time:
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Website Rank
- visit: 13


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Product & Services

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