DHK International Inc. is a California Corporation with;Corporate headquarters in Laguna Hills, CA. DHK has three operating divisions: DHK Medical;Products, DHK Defense and Aerospace and DHK Infotek. The company was established in June 1994;and over the last 8 years has designed, developed, patented and produced several products for ;medical applications. Additional Corporate information and brochures are available upon;request. DHK Defense & Aerospace operates in full compliance with US State Department,; USDOD, NSA and ITAR regulations.
DHK International Inc,California corporation,Irvine,defense,security,logistics support systems,Portable Emergency Oxygen System,PEOS,Light Weight Automatic Oxygen Systems,MPO2,Command,Control,Communication Information System,Professional kit,Disposable kit,Intel XScale,PAX255,400 MHz,Aerospace,Oxydose,Military ECW Goggles,Tactical Flashlight,Binocular,Trojan Overwhite Survival Systems,military Socks,Boots,Cold Weather Gear,Ballistic Vests,Helmets,Military Water Purification Canteen,Stainless Steel Canteens,Animal Health,Nipple,Pill Magnet,Container,Calf Bottle,feeders,Bovine,Epoxy,Equine,Bovi Flex,calf,Feeder bag,Vaccine Cooler,Power-Tek ELP,Space Age Calf Condo,pet condo,Human Health Telemedicine,ReFresh,Blood Pressure Monitors,Reverse Osmosis System,First Aid Kits,Medical,InfoTech,Software,Hardware,Consultancy,Hosting,Training