General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 8585243421
Address:Oceanside, CA 92056




Business Summary
At Cyfer Tech, our mission is to help companies transition their IT department from a reactive mindset to a proactive one, leading them to a state of greater stability, confidence, and peace of mind. Our focus is on continually developing and mastering services and applications that are specifically designed to achieve this goal. Our Motto: Stop being Reactive. Start being Proactive. Cyfer Tech was founded on the principle of three words, “Time is Money!” Every service we offer is designed to help businesses and individuals become more efficient and effective in their every day operations. Cyfer Tech has the right plan for all sizes. We offer unlimited support, with offsite and onsite options. Many of our plans include, monitoring, Microsoft patch management, full system auditing, anti-virus, onsite and offsite backup options, user state management, remote support tools, automated application installs, and much more Let the IT Professionals at Cyfer Tech show you how we can help yo
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