General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 714-990-7600
Country: United States
Address:1 Civic Center Circle




Business Summary
I had 3 palm trees that had grown to three times the height of my single story house and leaning toward the house. Normally I would trim them myself but after seeing some videos of "Idiots with Chainsaws", I decided it was best to call in some professionals. I contacted Jimmie's Tree Service, Inc. They did a great job and there was no damage to the house. So this year, because I had some time due to the "shelter-in-place, stay at home order", I did some spring cleaning and re-landscaping. I had these two giant ficus trees that was planted over 30 years ago, that needed major trimming. Altogether I had 8 trees trimmed, branches removed and the yard cleaned. JTS is very professional and did another great job for me. From small jobs to big jobs, I highly recommend them.
Business Keywords
tree service, stump grinder, arborist, tree service near me, tree trimming, stump removal, tree pruning, tree removal near me, tree planting, tree trimming near me, mulch delivery, tree care, stump removal near me
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 576


Product & Services

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