General Information

Country: Canada (local time:)
Address:688 Sovereign Rd. London ON N5V 4K7




Business Summary
Carriff Engineered Fabrics Corporation is at the vanguard of developing, manufacturing, and distributing advanced technical fabrics for a multitude of environmental and industrial applications. With a focus on solutions such as drainage filtration, soil separation, erosion control, spill containment, among others, our product suite is integral to industries ranging from agriculture and construction to landscaping and various DIY projects. Our manufacturing prowess is anchored in the utilization of state-of-the-art circular-knitting technology, enabling us to produce fabrics with unique tubular shapes, widely recognized in the market as "socks". This innovation, coupled with our commitment to sustainability and excellence, positions Carriff as a key player in the engineered fabrics industry, dedicated to advancing environmental and industrial solutions worldwide. Check out our products for drainage pipe solutions.
Business Keywords
filter sock, drainage filter sock, silt sock, erosion control, french drain, french drain installation, french drain pipe, erosion control, advanced drainage system, under deck drainage system, septic systems, erosion control products, pipe sleeve, spill containment, silt sock, filter sock, drainage filter sock
General Information
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Website Rank
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