
Best Career Counselling in Pune @BrainPower Overview A common question that comes to the mind of public in India is “What is career counselling” and “we are not aware of any such thing”. Today, through this small blog we are going to answer such questions for the knowledge of parents and students and others who may be interested about the future of their children. This blog by experienced career counsellors will provide quick replies to many such questions that may come to the mind and will prove to be a lamp post in the darkness of confusion. What is Career Counselling? Career counselling helps students and professionals in choosing a right career path suitable for an individual. It helps in taking important career decisions. Today, there are many new age careersthat are available but due to limited knowledge about the job market people are not aware of the same. As a result, one chooses a career that is advised by the parents, relatives, and friends. A career decision that is good f
Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Career Counselling in Udaipur Career selection is a life time decision and one must navigate carefully. Here, the role of a career counselling in Udaipur comes into picture to know about the careers available and related education paths in the present times. Today, in India we are 142 Cr. in population, out of which around 68% are in the working age i.e. 15-64 years. The most vulnerable is 15-24 years which is 25 crores. This is the age when we start thinking of choosing a career path and think about the guidance to know the options available so that for the remaining years of your life you not only progress in the right direction but also lead a satisfied and settled life. The population load of youth and scarcity of jobs have compounded the problems of today’s youth. Advancement of technology has added further woes. Here, the role of a career counsellor comes into picture to know about the careers available and related education paths in the presen
Importance of DMIT Test in Career Counselling @ Brain Power,Pune & Udaipur Most of the students today are confused about subject and career selection, they or their parents have generally no knowledge of the present-day career options available. As a result, they go for age old options like engineering or doctor which have a very high competition for limited number of seats available. The best thing for a student is to be aware about the present and future job market, the skills and abilities required. Without this knowledge even if you are good in education, your chances of grabbing a good job are limited. The best way to be aware about the market trends and have knowledge of factors affecting the job market trends. As a first stage one must find out his abilities and strengths and his natural interests. To know the same there are proven assessment tools and methods which were developed in western countries after due researches. In our daily life we come across many examples where eve
Top Career Counsellor in Udaipur Discover your path to success with top career counsellors in Udaipur. Get personalized guidance and expert advice for a brighter future. Schedule a consultation today! Whenever, I go to schools or colleges or institutions to address students my first question to them is what do you want to become after completing your education and to my surprise in 95%+ cases the answer is “Let us see”. My next question to them is “Which profession attracts you most” and their immediate reply is“ an Engineer, a Doctor, a Lawyer and in a few cases an IAS also. On my further inquiry about “What are the qualities required for being successful“in these professions leave them blank with no answers. Further query about number of seats available in quality Institutions for engineers or MBBS in India has no replies or some vague replies. Primary responsibility for this awareness lies with parents and the institutions to make their children/students aware about the prevailing s

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