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Business Summary
Bars & Stripes bar code software adds bar coding capability to Microsoft`s Word for Windows. Once installed, making bar code labels is a snap. Bar coding any text or numbers is as easy as typing. Combined with Microsoft Word for Windows`s label, graphics and font capabilities, Bars & Stripes and Word create a high powered, fully featured document bar code and label application. Think of it as bar code clipart plus. You can cut and paste your bar code graphic to other applications too! Makes inventory bar codes, POS bar codes, retail bar codes. UPC bar codes, product bar codes, GTIN bar codes, bar codes for asset tracking and general purpose bar code labeling. Supports 11 bar code symbologies. Create bar code labels anytime you need them.
Business Keywords
bars and stripes, bars and stripes software, barcoding software, retail barcodes, retail bar codes, bar coding software, barcode software, barcode label, bar code label, barcode label software, bar code label software, barcode plugin, bar code plugin, barcode label plugin, bar coe label plugin, barcode label maker, bar code label maker, barcode label creator, bar code label creator, barcode software plugin, bar code software plugin, barcode maker, bar code maker, barcode creator, bar code creator, barcode plugin for word, bar code plugin for word, make a barcode, make a bar code, create a barcode, create a bar code, retail barcodes, retail bar codes, upc barcodes, upc bar codes, free barcode microsoft word
General Information
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