General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Address:1175 W Long Lake Rd #100 Troy, MI 48098, USA




Business Summary
"Back to Health Solutions believes in using the world’s finest all-natural supplements with precision. We can help you recover your body through various dietary and lifestyle changes, herbal medicine, and high-quality nutritional supplements. Our objective is to support your nervous system and restore you to better health. While considering medical test results and reported symptoms, we do not depend solely on them to optimize health. Our unique testing uses the latest technology to measure symptoms or disease levels and the factors that create health, such as optimal gut function, hormone levels, and nutrient intake. Most importantly, we use the data from each individual to create a customized program to restore your current health potential. Here are the tests we provide: Food Sensitivity Test Heavy Metals Hair Analysis Dried Urine Hormone Test Advanced Stool Test Lab Testing Visit our website for more details and b
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