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Phone: 01908489421
Country: United Kingdom




Business Summary
The effects of cocaine are short and intense, meaning many users will take it repeatedly over the course of the night, or combine it with other substances such as alcohol, which can increase the risk of negative side effects. Not only do you experience unpleasant symptoms when coming off cocaine the next day, in the long term it can cause physical and mental health issues, from paranoia and irritability to panic attacks and depression. While some cocaine users can come off the drug on their own, perhaps using Cocaine Anonymous and out client programs, others may need cocaine rehab to free themselves from the drug. Asana Lodge offers a luxurious, safe environment where you can seek treatment for cocaine addiction, with a wide range of treatment programmes, therapy and holistic options available. When you come to Asana Lodge for Cocaine treatment, our first step is to carry out a full physical and mental health evaluation. We have a team of experienced and understanding doctors, nurse
Business Keywords
rehab, rehabilitation, support, drug, alcohol
General Information
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Website Rank
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