General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 8454228320
Country: United States
Address:711 Executive Blvd Suite C Valley Cottage NY 10989 United States




Business Summary
Altor Safety is a New York-based manufacturer that focuses on keeping people safe while building a sustainable, made in the USA product line. We have multiple production lines that manufacture 3ply Disposable Face Masks right here in Valley Cottage, NY. As the COVID-19 crisis began to unfold and the gap between production and delivery in the USA deepened, we realized we could step in to help close this gap. We knew that through working together, we could ensure that the safest and highest quality products would make their way to the American public and build a newer, safer future for everyone. As we continue to grow our distributor network we keep more and more Americans safe with access to high quality disposable 3ply Face Masks.
Business Keywords
Disposable Face Mask Made in the USA, USA made masks, Face Mask, Surgical Face Mask
General Information
Type of Business:
not complete
Year established:
not complete
Work Time:
not complete
Website Rank
- visit: 1121


Product & Services

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