General Information

Country: India (local time:)
Phone: 91-8888880988
Address:8 Eternity Educational Research Pvt ltd. (AIM Q Test), 401, Royal Glory, Sayaji Square, Indore - 452010 M.P.




Business Summary
At AIM Q Test, we champion a holistic approach to education that transcends traditional IQ and EQ assessments. Developed by 8 Eternity Education Research, our AIM Q Test introduces the concept of Aim Quotient (AIM Q), a vital factor in individual success. Through extensive research, we've found that one-time assessments fall short in predicting a student's career path. Thus, the AIM Q Test evaluates students’ abilities multiple times each year, offering a more accurate and comprehensive view of their strengths and potential. Our standardized test measures various cognitive skills, including concentration, memory, processing speed, visual perception, and reasoning. It identifies inborn talents, personality traits, and intelligence levels, providing a detailed analysis of academic and personal capabilities. With assessments conducted three times annually, we ensure precise career guidance based on consistent performance data. Since 2021, AIM Q Test has been dedicated to helping student
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