General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 8328432151
Address:2 Mockingbird Cir, Houston, TX 77074, United States




Business Summary
Welcome to 832 Home Service, your one-stop-shop for all your home maintenance needs in Houston. We are a team of experienced and dedicated professionals providing top-notch services to our clients since 2008. Our mission is to provide reliable and affordable chimney service in Houston and surrounding areas. As duct cleaning specialists, we understand the importance of clean air ducts in maintaining a healthy indoor environment. We use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to clean your air ducts thoroughly, removing all dirt, dust, and debris that may be causing poor air quality in your home. In addition to duct cleaning, we also provide chimney services in Houston, ensuring your fireplace and chimney are in top condition for the winter season. Our team of experts can handle any chimney repair or maintenance needs, from cleaning to repairs and installations.
Business Keywords
chimney service in Houston
General Information
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