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Business Summary
Official website for The Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess, International (RCG-I), a multi-tradition women’s religion centered on Goddess spirituality and the Great Goddess. Our members embrace a variety of spiritual paths, including but not limited to, feminist spirituality and Dianic wicca or witchcraft; the common element among them being a belief in female divinity and a commitment to positive spiritual practice. The Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess is home to the Women’s Thealogical Institute, a school dedicated to Goddess study and a means to Priestess Ordination. The Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess also hosts the Seasonal Salon – a quarterly collection of writings and musings on women’s religion, feminist spirituality and the Great Goddess.
Business Keywords
Goddess Spirituality, Congregation of the Goddess, Goddess Women, Dianic Wicca, Women''s Thealogical Institute, Women''s Theological Institute, Thealogy, Seasonal Salon, Great Goddess, Feminist Spirituality, women''s witchcraft, Dianic feminist witchcraft, Priestess Ordination, Priestess Gathering, Dianic Herstory, Priestess Consecration, Goddess Goods, Goddess Products, Women''s Religion, Women''s Spirituality, Feminist religion, Hallow''s Gathering, Goddess study, Goddess school
General Information
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Website Rank
- visit: 859


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