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Outhouses were a part of daily lives in centuries past


By Corbin Crable

We all take indoor plumbing for granted, and that includes in the bathroom. But before the advent of this technology, the outhouse gave us a place to “do our business,” as it were.

Toiletology.com, a blog that includes professional research, studies and reviews of toilets, also includes a history of outhouses, those small structures that include a hole in the floor that emptied into “a small tin or bucket that caught the waste; it had to be emptied daily by one lucky winner.”…

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In this issue…


Smack Dab in the Middle
mustache tea cups
Good Eye
Finding Antiques With a Good Eye
Covering Quilts
Mid-America News
Mid-American News - cloud scape
Books for Collectors
Classic Collection -Cartoons
Vintage Discoveries
Vintage Posters
Feature Articles
collecting books old stack of books

A Message From Our Editor

If you sprinkle when you tinkle…


by Corbin Crable

This month’s cover story relays the history of outhouses, those quiet but stinky outdoor private places where everyone did their business in the 19th century.

First, however, I’d like to fast-forward through time to the mid-20th century, a time when tackiness could be found in every room of one’s house, from aspic in the refrigerator to shag carpet in the living room. The bathroom wasn’t spared from trends on which we now can look back and laugh, either.

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Photo by adobe firefly