Black Polyester Tape

Black Polyester Tape
Black polyester tape also called as a black shading tape, Black polyester tape is made of polyester film as the base material and coated with high temperature resistant silicone gel. Black polyester tape is insulated and high temperature resistant, with a transparent release film optional. As a professional black wholesale polyester tape manufacturer, we produce the high-quality black polyester tape and polyester insulation tape, of whcih the thickness and width is customizable. To meet the different customers' requirements, our black polyester tape can be processed into various shapes. Black polyester tape does not transmit light and does not warp. Black polyester tape is a shading tape for the professional optoelectronics' industry. Hopelight, a leading polyester tape company. We offer expert advice, exceptional black polyester tape, and dedicated customer support. Contact us to start your journey with Hopelight!
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