General Information

Country: United States (local time:)
Phone: 410-421-7777
Address:2850 Quarry Lake Dr Suite 220 Baltimore, MD 21209




Business Summary
Baird Mandalas Brockstedt & Federico, LLC is a medical malpractice law firm in Baltimore, Maryland. Our lawyers are dedicated to providing superior legal service at rates that reflect exceptional value to our clients. At BMBF, we handle a variety of medical malpractice cases, including birth injuries, brain injuries, paralysis, amputation, wrongful death, and more. We have the trial-tested expertise and results-driven mindset to take on the complexities of your case. Our team of dedicated medical malpractice litigators can help you or your loved one get the justice you deserve. Contact us today for a consultation and to learn how we can assist you.
Business Keywords
Medical Lawyer
General Information
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