Providing exceptional dental care to families in the community of Maple (Vaughan) since 1998.

Now, like you, more and more individuals in the Maple (Vaughan) community are accepting greater responsibility for their own oral health. Instead of searching for dental care solutions that “fix” problems as they arise, you can use a more natural approach to address your teeth, mouth, and body as a whole.

The U Shine Dental difference is all about you. From better oral health or picture-perfect teeth, we’ll listen to your concerns and discuss the goals you have for your best smile, then customize a dental treatment plan to meet the changing needs of you and your entire family.

Like a dynamic duo, Dr. Forman and Dr. Ranu combine traditional dentistry with holistic dental care to prevent dental issues from arising. From investigating the bio-compatibility of materials used in your crowns, fillings, even fluoride treatments, to discussions that explore your diet, nutrition, and lifestyle, you can count on U Shine Dental to customize a treatment plan that promotes your overall health.

Whether you’re interested in restorative, cosmetic, or simply preventive dentistry, you and your family will benefit from U Shine Dental’s holistic, natural approach.

U Shine Dental - your family dentist in Maple, welcomes new patients of all ages … and can’t wait to meet you!

Direct Insurance Billing

Going to the dentist should be a painless experience. That’s why U Shine Dental handles all the insurance paperwork for you. All you need to do is tell us who your policy’s with, and we’ll handle the rest. Just one more reason to smile.

Easily Acessible & Free Parking

We offer sedation options.

We speak 7 languages:

English, Punjabi, Urdu, Farsi, Polish, Tagalog, Portuguese

Open late to accommodate your busy schedule

Monday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Tuesday 9:00 am – 7:00 pm

Wednesday 9:00 am – 7:00 pm

Thursday Closed– (Administrative day)

Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Saturday 9:00am – 2:00 pm (Alternating)

Family dentist Maple
Maple Dentists Dr. Forman and Dr. Ranu
cosmetic dentistry maple

Cosmetic Dentistry in Maple

Let’s face it… a beautiful smile adds confidence. So if you’re unhappy with your teeth, talk to us about how to maximize your dental insurance for cosmetic dental services such as: high-quality porcelain veneers, tooth-colored composite resin fillings, natural-looking porcelain crowns and bridges, one hour tooth whitening and dental bonding at our Maple dentist office. Read more >

dental crowns maple & dentures maple

Restorative Dentistry in Maple

Suffering with cracked, broken, worn, missing teeth, or a TMJ disorder? U Shine Dental offers a range of dentistry solutions like dental crowns, dental implants, dentures in Maple, etc. which not only restore tooth function, but also transform the way you look and feel. Arrange a free consultation with your Family Dentist in Maple- Dr. Ranu or Dr. Forman today, and restore your smile to it’s natural perfection. Read more >

dental emergency maple

Dental Emergency in Maple

In case of a dental emergency call us immediately at 905-303-9355. We’ll do all we can to accommodate you as quickly and conveniently as possible. Read more about common dental emergencies and what to do if you are unable to receive immediate treatment. Read more >

maple dentist orthodontics

Orthodontics – Traditional or Invisalign – in Maple

A beautiful smile is the most obvious benefit of orthodontics however, preventing long-term health problems is just as important. Orthodontic treatment today is simple, convenient and affordable, regardless of your age. Your Mapledentist - U Shine Dental, uses the latest technology to offer treatment plans that fit your individual needs. Traditional or Invisalign? Read more >

Sedation Dentistry Maple

Sedation Dentistry in Maple

Many people experience stress or anxiety when the dentist says ‘open wide’. To ensure that you and your family feel at ease when receiving dental treatment, we offer two comfort options to eliminate stress. With light, nitrous oxide sedation or conscious sedation dentistry, you’ll be so comfortable you’ll wonder why you waited so long to visit. Read more >

Dental Implants Maple

Dental Implants in Maple

Are you searching for a natural-looking solution to replace your missing teeth? Look no further, because dental implants are the way to go. These implants replace the root of your natural tooth and is made of high-quality titanium that is biocompatible. Reclaim your self-confidence today! Read more >

What's New at U Shine Dental

Before and after pic-Treatment summary
Kateryna B. Treatment Summary
Like so many patients we see, Kateryna came to us because she was unhappy with the way her teeth looked. So she agreed to a thorough exam, including photos and models of her teeth, to help determine the best possible treatment options and... Read more
Laughing gas treatment in Maple
Laughing Gas Dentist Maple Vaughan
Dental anxiety and phobia is common for patients of all ages. It’s estimated that 40% of Canadians live with a fear about visiting the dentist. If you are afraid to go to the dentist, talk with Dr. Ranu.... Read more
Regular Dental checkup in Maple
Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups
“I brush my teeth everyday, why should I see a dentist?” As health care professionals, we’ve heard a lot of reasons why people choose not to have regular, or routine, dental check-ups. But regardless of your reasoning, you need to understand that even if... Read more

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Certified Provider for:

teeth whitening maple
Zoom Professional Teeth Whitening in Maple

A new generation of teeth whitening treatments that make it faster, safer and simpler than ever to get beautiful white teeth

family dentist maple- oravital
Oral Vital

Testing protocols, in-house lab analysis and diagnosis for the treatment of gum disease, halitosis (persistent bad breath and/or taste), implantitis, and most other oral infections.

PRF Canada

Modern technology that can not only speed up your healing time, but also helps to reduce pain.

invisalign at family dentist maple

The clear aligner system that’s revolutionized orthodontic treatments. Contact U Shine Dental today to see if Invisalign treatment is the right choice to transform your smile.

Languages spoken at our clinic: English, Punjabi, Urdu, Farsi, Polish, Tagalog, Portuguese

Holistic Dentistry FAQ’s

Is Holistic Dentistry right for you?

Both holistic and traditional dentists are trained in the same dental methods. They attend the same dental schools. The real difference is that those who embrace a holistic strategy typically obtain advanced training to enhance their knowledge of alternative dentistry tactics. While a traditional dentist treats symptoms as they become problems a holistic dentist will explore underlying problems to help identify why it happened and how to prevent it from effecting your overall health.

To support your overall health, U Shine Dental looks at environmental, nutritional, physical and spiritual elements which can influence your life and may have a direct relationship with your oral health.

What are some of the benefits of holistic or natural dental care?

Holistic dentists aren’t your typical dentists. Holistic dentists focus on your whole health and its relationship with your oral health rather than using quick fixes. Holistic dentists promote health and wellness rather than the treatment of diseases. This leads to many benefits including:

Use of Safe, Healthy Materials

Many materials that have been used by your average dentists over the years are often bad for your health. Silver amalgam fillings for example, contain 50 percent mercury, one of the most toxic substances around. U Shine Dental uses alternative solutions that take your health and wellness into consideration.

Fluoride treatments are not healthy for your teeth either. While long believed to cure cavities, recent research shows that fluoride may actually cause health problems such as: Brain damage, arthritis, dementia, bone cancer, muscle disorders, and more. U Shine Dental only use materials that are free of toxins and adopt treatments that won’t harm your health.

Treating the Body as a Whole

Instead of just focusing on the smile, as a holistic dental practice U Shine also considers how everything done to the mouth will affect your overall body. Holistic dentists are well-versed in the oral systemic connection, understanding how the bacteria and problems within the mouth can carry through the bloodstream and into the rest of the body, increasing one’s risk for many medical conditions.

When caring for a diabetic patient for example, U Shine Dental will help that patient understand how he or she can manage blood sugar levels best by following best practices for oral hygiene care and a healthy program of diet and exercise.

Using natural or holistic techniques, U Shine Dental can help relieve disorders like chronic fatigue, sinusitis, heart burn, irritable bowel, mood disorders and poor concentration.

Holistic Dentists Rarely Use X-Rays

X-rays can be harmful to your health because of their high radiation exposure. That’s why holistic dentists only use digital X-rays which are approximately 50 percent lower in radiation than traditional dental X-ray machines. As radiation is still present even in the digital X-rays, U Shine Dental use these sparingly.

Does holistic dental care cost more?

The cost for holistic dental care is similar to average dentists for cleaning and office visits. But keep in mind that mercury is inexpensive so the composites used for fillings tend to cost more.

And as mentioned earlier, the cost of repairing a smile after poor oral health care will always remain the same. By maintaining one’s oral health, you can avoid the development of unwanted conditions such as cavities, periodontal disease, and even natural tooth loss, which in turn reduces visits and can actually reduce overall cost.

Is Holistic Dentistry covered by insurance?

Many of the dental treatments offered by U Shine Dental already incorporate holistic practices and are covered by your dental insurance. Full coverage depends on the procedure and your insurance. We’re happy to check your insurance coverage to see what you personally would be covered for.

What makes a dental practice holistic?

As holistic dentists we consider the biocompatibility of materials used for dental procedures such as crowns, fillings, and even fluoride treatments. Treatments are customized for you to eliminate adverse affects and include discussions surrounding home care, diet, and nutrition to prevent, diagnose, and treat accordingly.

U Shine Dental offers a personalized nutritional program designed to help provide your body with vital ingredients and nutrients to help alleviate some of the following dental issues:

  • Mercury Amalgam/Silver Filling Removal/Toxicity
  • Periodontal Disease
  • Candidiasis (Thrush)
  • TMJ Disorders/Syndrome
  • High cavity rates
  • Halitosis (Chronic Bad Breath)
  • Dental Anxiety, pain relief and infections
  • And much more!

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