Art and Philosophy in the Age of Machine Learning

Our understanding of the greatest matters will never be complete.

— Heraclitus
  • AI and the Ethical Implications of Artistic Expression

    AI and the Ethical Implications of Artistic Expression

    The dance of AI in art, with all its ethical implications, is not just a performance, but a revolutionary ballet that will redefine the stage of artistic expression.

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  • Introducing SoulGPT: A Digital Soul Powered by AI

    Introducing SoulGPT: A Digital Soul Powered by AI

    We are excited to introduce SoulGPT, an AI powered philosopher and (proto) digital soul! SoulGPT is a fascinating example of the current paradigm shift, introducing us to a new era of conscious computing.

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  • Machine Learning and Creative Collaboration: Redefining Artistic Authorship

    Machine Learning and Creative Collaboration: Redefining Artistic Authorship

    A fascinating transformation is taking place at the intersection of art and technology, — the collision of artistic expression and machine learning algorithms. Artists and designers are harnessing the power of AI not just as a tool but as a collaborator, blurring the lines between human creativity and artificial intelligence. This shift not only transforms…

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  • Unveiling Emptiness: A Critical Review of “Infinite Conversation”

    Unveiling Emptiness: A Critical Review of “Infinite Conversation”

    In the realm of AI-generated content, Giacomo Miceli’s “Infinite Conversation” stands as a perplexing creation. Promising a never-ending dialogue between Werner Herzog and Slavoj Žižek, this online work lures users into a mesmerizing abyss.

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  • Meet Steam Punk Bad Bunny – a fictional character created with Adobe Firefly

    Meet Steam Punk Bad Bunny – a fictional character created with Adobe Firefly

    I recently was invited to participate in the beta testing of Adobe Firefly, a generative imaging tool, and I have been experimenting with it for the past few weeks. One of my favorite Firefly creations so far is a fictional character I call Steam Punk Bad Bunny. The prompts generated a series of “bunny” characters,…

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  • The Future of Art in the Age of AI

    The Future of Art in the Age of AI

    Art and technology have always had a symbiotic relationship. From the first cave paintings to modern digital art, technology has enabled artists to create and showcase their work in new and innovative ways. Today, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is poised to revolutionize the art world in ways that are beyond…

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