General Information

Country: Australia (local time:)
Phone: 08 7074 8200
Address:82 Gilbert Street




Business Summary
Living with eye floaters can be frustrating, especially in your senior years. Choose Laser Floater Treatment to get clear vision and enjoy your well deserved lifestyle to the fullest. Ellex provides advanced equipment that makes the LFT procedure short and sweet, with high accuracy and minimal invasion. This state-of-the-art treatment is not only effective in its own right but also obviates or delays the need for invasive surgery. LFT is by far one of the easiest and safest ways to treat eye floaters, restoring your vision so you can see clear skies and colours without those frustrating, cobweb-like visual disturbances. All thanks to its Reflex Technology, which helps focus the laser to remove floaters without affecting the retina or natural lens. Want to know more about Laser Eye Floater Treatment? Get in touch with us today.
Business Keywords
laser for floaters
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